About Us
Foynes Yacht Club
Sustain a thriving and inclusive sailing and boating organisation with well-maintained facilities, providing a growing and diverse membership from the surrounding communities, the means and the access paths to pursue their sailing and boating interests in a safe, welcoming and sporting environment.
Club Ethos and Values
We believe that sailing is a worthwhile and enjoyable pastime ideally suited to those living in the wonderful environs of the Shannon Estuary. The skills required are very attainable and are best learned and enjoyed in a club environment.
We believe that sailing club membership should be accessible to all people; boys and girls, men and women across a range of age, abilities, sailing experience and financial means.
We believe that fundamentally sailing is a fun pursuit. It can be enjoyed competitively or in a more leisurely fashion with both approaches sharing the common fascination and enjoyment to be gained from harnessing the winds power to good advantage.
Volunteerism is a fundamental principle that guides us in how we manage the club. We seek to develop a strong sense of ownership among our members; each having a valuable contribution to make towards the smooth running of the club and its future direction.