Last week, from Wednesday, August 7th, to Saturday, August 10th, Foynes Yacht Club had the pleasure of hosting the 2024 WIORA Championships. Nineteen boats participated in the competition, with boats travelling from Kilrush, Galway, and Mayo. Scorie Walls, the Race Officer from Howth Yacht Club, with her assistant Mike Head, led the event with commendable expertise.

Over the course of four days, participants enjoyed thrilling races and excellent weather conditions. The courses set by Scorie were well-received, making for a fantastic racing experience.

DAY 1 – WEDNESDAY: The competition kicked off with very fresh conditions. Scorie opted for Olympic courses for the Class 1 boats and Triangular courses for the White Sails. Both classes managed to complete two races each before coming ashore to relax with pizza and refreshments.

DAY 2 – THURSDAY: Thursday brought slightly more moderate winds, but the same challenging courses. The IRC class boats ran three races, while the White Sails completed two races.

DAY 3 – FRIDAY: The weather conditions on Friday were very fresh once again, leading to a postponement of races until 3:30pm. Once the races commenced, two races took place for both IRC and White Sails classes.

DAY 4 – SATURDAY: Saturday morning brought beautiful conditions with a steady 12 to 15-knot westerly breeze. Race Officer Scorie set an engaging course for the IRC class, starting from a windward-leeward course to the Navigation Mark at Cork Buoy, then westward to Loughill Buoy, with a finish at Kilteery Pier. The White Sails class followed a slightly shorter course, also starting windward-leeward, proceeding to the 8-meter Navigation Mark, and then to the Loughill Buoy, before finishing at Kilteery Pier.

Over the course of the championship, the IRC class completed a total of eight races, while the White Sails class completed seven races. The feedback from all competitors was overwhelmingly positive, with participants thoroughly enjoying the event and visiting crews praising Foynes Yacht Club for its outstanding hospitality and club facilities.

The festivities continued into Saturday evening with a championship dinner that included prize-giving and dancing. A special thank you goes to Trisha Kelly for providing the delicious food and to Keith Freeman for entertaining everyone with great music.

Thank you to all competitors for making the event so enjoyable and congratulations to the winners in each category. It was fantastic to see the U25 team from Mayo taking part. Unfortunately the Foynes Yacht Club U25 team could not compete this year due to their commitments with the Sailing Academy.

Congratulations to OVERALL WINNERS of the 2024 WIORA Championships: Darragh McCormack and Crew – Vincent McCormack, Oisin Finucane, Eoin Boylan, Tommy Flynn, Cathal McMahon, and Lucy Keane, on RELATIVITY.

Congratulations to Liam Burke and his Crew – Cormac Conneely, Ben Schumacher, Niall Thornton, Mike O’Dea, Aly O’Sullivan, Sean Lemonnier, Aodhan Fitzgerald, and Andrew Leavey, on TRIBAL – winners in Echo Class 1.

Congratulations also to White Sails winners – Class 4 – Base and Progressive Echo – Donal McCormack and his Crew – John Paul Buckley, Isabel O’Shea, Martin O’Connor, Anthony Halpin, Cora Buckley, Kate O’Regan, and Clodagh Finnegan, on BATTLE.

Congratulations to White Sails winners – Class 3 Progressive Echo – Dylan Reidy and his Crew – Kevin, Killian, Leah, Euan, and Patrick Reidy, Alan Ruttle, and Christopher McDaid, on SHELDUCK.

Congratulations to White Sails winners – Class 3 – Base Echo – Jackie Cronin, Donagh, and Adam, on JIMMY BUM.

We also extend our congratulations to Darragh McCormack and his Crew on RELATIVITY for winning the title of “BEST IRC BOAT IN WIORA 2024”.

Bev, our Commodore, wishes to express sincere gratitude to the WIORA Organising Committee: Tom Murray, Patricia McCormack, James McCormack, Patrick Finucane, Donal McCormack, John Paul Buckley, Darragh McCormack, Mary McCormack, and Raymond McGibney, Commodore of WIORA, for their pivotal roles in making this event a resounding success. (Bev was also an integral part of this committee).

Bev would also like to thank our loyal Sponsors, without whom events like this wouldn’t be possible, thanks to Mick Kennelly, Harbour Master, SFPC, along with his team in Marine Operations, for their invaluable assistance with shipping logistics throughout the event, thanks to Scorie Walls, Race Officer, and Mike Head, her Assistant, for setting out great courses, and thanks to Pat Lawless (GGR) for making the trophies. Last but not lease thanks to BCS Crane Hire Ltd for lifting in and out boats, a very professional and sleek operation as always.

Results: https://halsail-1e484.kxcdn.com/Result/Public/81897?EventID=4880

