Dinghy Sailing / Kayaking
Dates and times for Dinghy Sailing and Kayaking to be confirmed during the sailing season.
Latest News
Easter Sailing Courses
Bookings for our Easter Sailing Courses are now open! We are running two weeks of Sailing Courses over the Easter break. Week 1: 11th-15th April, Week 2: 18th-22nd April. To book or if you would like more information contact Mary McCormack on 087-3542515 or pop us an...
Doyle Shipping Group March Open Dinghy Series
As you are all aware the situation in the Ukraine is worsening day by day. To try and help the situation we have decided that we will donate all proceeds from the March Series to the Ukrainian crisis. While it is a small gesture, every bit helps. This includes all...
SRL Frostbite Open Dinghy Series
Sunday was the last day of our SRL Frostbite Open Dinghy Series!! A bit breezy at times with a few going for a dip, but overall a great day's racing! Being the season that was in it, there was a prize for the best Christmas Outfit. This brought great excitement with...
Supervised Sailing & Kayaking
Our Supervised Sailing and Kayaking finished on Tuesday last for the 2021 season. Thank you to everybody involved, our Instructors, Volunteers, and most of all our Sailors, what an enjoyable season it has been. Looking forward to seeing you all back in 2022!
Old Small Boat Sails urgently needed for Litter-Picking Programme for Primary Schools
Every year, thousands of worn out sails are discarded all over Ireland. Picker Pals, an Irish environmental action programme for primary school children, is rescruing this fabric and give it a new lease of life. The programme needs any old small boat sails that might...
Kayaking & Supervised Sailing
Our Kayaking and Supervised Sailing got off to a great start last week. We had our second session last evening. Both sessions (7pm-8pm and 8pm-9pm) were full. What a lovely sight to see everybody out on the water having fun!! Please note that you must have booked...