We have had ongoing issues with the erosion of Cooleen Point on which our Clubhouse is built on over the past few years. It has really worsened recently. A massive THANK YOU to James McCormack, Patrick Finucane and Tom Murray for all their hard work over the past few years in securing funding for the Point. They worked tirelessly on this project giving their time freely at all times day and night and at weekends. Their hard work and dedication to this project paid off yesterday afternoon with the news that Foynes Yacht Club are to receive funding of €128,025 to restore the Point.
A massive THANK YOU also to Minister Patrick O’Donovan, TD, Minister Kevin Boxer Moran, TD, and Tom Neville, TD, for all their support on this matter over the years and for pushing to get this matter resolved as quickly as possible. The allocation of €128,025 will be made to Limerick City & County Council who will arrange for the work to be carried out in the near future. We are looking forward to Cooleen Point being fully restored very soon!!