WIORA 2023
Bon Voyage to our sailors who are heading to the Aran Islands for the WIORA Championships 2023 this week, starting Wednesday and finishing Saturday. Five boats from FYC will compete. Best of Luck and Safe Sailing to all!
Sailing Academy/Registration
Registration is now open for this year's Sailing Academy. To register your child/children please go to:
Kayaking & Supervised Sailing
Kayaking & Supervised Sailing started this week and will continue throughout the summer months. To book a place at these sessions please contact Breda ... Tel: 087 1833939 or Email: Tuesday Evenings 7:00pm to 9:00 pm and Saturday mornings...
Commodores Day
Commodore Bev Lowes would like to thank everyone who turned up to Commodores Day last Sunday. It was great to see so many people enjoying the beautiful sunshine, food, and entertainment. A great day for the club. The annual Race around Foynes Island was won by Darragh...
Commodore Bev Lowes presented a cheque for €2,100.00 to Shauna Johnson, Martin O'Gorman, Patrick Ryan, and John Vaughan of the RNLI (Kilrush Branch) on behalf of Foynes Yacht Club at Commodores Day last Sunday, proceeds of a Table Quiz held earlier in the year.
MSA Dinner
A great night was had by all at the MSA Dinner held at the club last Saturday evening. This was the first year the dinner was held outside of Dublin and was a huge success. Thanks to Heart & Soul for the entertainment. The prizes for the previous year were...