
Easter Sailing Academy

Easter Sailing Academy

Bookings are now open for our Easter Sailing Academy and Estuary Otters! If you wish to book a place for your child/children or would like more information about the courses please email: When making a booking please detail your Child's Name,...

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Bernadette & Conor’s talk postponed

Bernadette & Conor’s talk postponed

Due to the Met Eireann forecast for tonight, it has been decided to postpone Bernadette and Conor's talk which was due to take place this evening at the Clubhouse. We are hoping to reschedule it later in the month, a date to be confirmed nearer to the time.

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GKinetic Energy Ltd

GKinetic Energy Ltd

Congratulations to club members Vincent and Roisin McCormack and all of their team at GKinetic Energy Ltd on the success of their hydrokinetic turbines, soon to be installed in Limerick City.

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Old Sails Wanted

Old Sails Wanted

Sarah O'Neill is a Sustainable Fashion Designer based in Cork, she specialises in zero waste design and sustainability. She makes bags out of disgarded materials. She would be grateful for donations of discarded wetsuits, sails, etc.

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Irish Sailing Cruising Conference

The Irish Sailing Cruising Conference will take place on Saturday 11th March at the Royal Cork Yacht Club. This year's conference will celebrate the sea and our connection with her - the sea is home to adventures, scientists, researchers, marine mammals, and so much...

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