May Series
We had another great evening on the water last Wednesday. We had a very fresh breeze that definitely blew all the cobwebs off! but none the less it was extremely enjoyable and as always we had some great racing.
Pieta – Darkness Into Light
FYC were delighted to participate in the first sail event for Darkness Into Light on Saturday morning ... Pieta's annual fundraising campaign to raise vital funds for people affected by suicide and self harm. A big thank you to Kevin Bartley for organising the event...
Adult Sailing Course
Weekend 1 of our Adult Sailing Course complete! We had a fantastic group for our first weekend of Adult Training! We managed to get lots of time on the water, with fantastic weather conditions. A lot of organising goes into a course like this so thanks very much to...
Estuary Bell
Our annual Estuary Bell regatta took place yesterday. We had absolutely perfect conditions for the day, allowing us to get three races sailed. Congratulations to IRC winners Relativity and White Sails winners Marengo. A big thanks to everyone who helped to organise,...
Welcome Louisa to FYC
Welcome Louisa to Foynes Yacht Club. Great to see Pat Frawley and Crew arrive safely on Wednesday evening after bringing Louisa (Dehler 34) from Holland to Foynes in just over a week. Wishing Pat and Crew many years of great sailing!
May Series
It felt great to be back on the water last Wednesday evening for the first night of our May Series. We were blessed with fantastic racing conditions and were absolutely thrilled with the turn out of boats! The buzz around the club was definitely something we have all...