
Kayaking & Supervised Sailing

Kayaking and Supervised Sailing starts back this Tuesday evening 15th June and will continue every Tuesday evening (7 pm to 9 pm) and Saturday mornings (10 am to 12 pm) for the season. To book your place please call or text Mary on 087-3542515 anytime between 9 am and...

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FYC – New Senior Sailing Instructor

FYC – New Senior Sailing Instructor

Congratulations to our new Senior Sailing Instructor, Mary McCormack, who completed her SI Course in Oysterhaven last week. Mary has come through the ranks of the Sailing Academy. It's great to see one of our own students qualifying to this level. Well done Mary!

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Dun Laoghaire to Dingle Race (D2D)

Dun Laoghaire to Dingle Race (D2D)

Congratulations to Joe Kiernan and Crew on Gambit who came 3rd in IRC 3 in the Dun Laoghaire to Dingle Race. This is a great result in what was a very tough race. Congratulations and well done to you all!

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Cruise to Kilrush Marina

Our first cruise of the season was to Kilrush Marina on Saturday at 1400 hrs. Seven boats travelled in a westerly breeze 12 to 14 knots. We were delighted to sail part of the journey with Conor and Bernadette on "Peggy M" as they start their circumnavigation of the...

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Trading ketch Ilen to make Foynes Yacht Club her base as 2021 programme gets on its way in May. This will enable the Ilen Marine School to implement as full a programme as the regulations at the time will permit, and the fact that it will see Ilen spend a longer...

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