WIORA Championships 2021 Tralee Bay Sailing Club

What a weekend for FYC at the WIORA Championships held in Tralee Bay Sailing Club last weekend.

Congratulations to Bev Lowes and Crew on Poitin winners in White Sails and Ray McGibney and Crew on Lady J winners in IRC 2.

Congratulations also to Liam Madden and Crew on Dexterity: 3rd in IRC 1, Mary McCormack and Crew on Stouche: 2nd in ECHO and 3rd in IRC2 and Kevin Reidy and Crew on Seasmoke: 3rd in White Sails.

Well done to team Foynes: Dexterity, Golden Copper, Lady J, Stouche, Battle, Excalibur, Poitin, Seasmoke and Wildcat.

